Live Online Yoga Classes via Zoom
I’m currently offering 2 weekly classes, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9:30 to 11:00, with an optional meditation until 11:20 am. Despite not being in one another’s physical presence many are finding a sense of refuge and community in regularly meeting with an ongoing group for a guided practice at home.
Payment is through Venmo, a reliable app for transferring $$ securely.
Contact me at for more information or to get on my class list for receiving weekly links to join.
Online Recorded Classes on Yoga Anytime
Join me on Yoga Anytime, an online subscription service offering over 3,000 yoga recordings. You can participate in a wide range of classes any time, anywhere. This link will take you to a sign up page and automatically fill in the code from this site for a free 30 day trial. Or, use the code PATRICIA.
The offerings include asana, pranayama, meditation, chanting, philosophical talks and Sanskrit lessons at all levels of learning. The availability and quality of the philosophical discussions makes Yoga Anytime an invaluable resource in understanding, enjoying and integrating the teachings into your life.
Yoga Anytime organizes their recordings centered around a theme. Not unlike streaming shows on the television the Shows are offered with 1 or more Seasons, and within the Seasons are any number of Episodes.
In my Season 3 of the show Pranayama & Meditation , you can practice along with me as I guide you through a series of breathing practices and meditations, preceded by appropriate asana preparations. Scroll down once you’re on that page to find all the episodes (classes) in that show. This series is designed to ground you, calm you, and help you experience the more subtle aspects of yourself. I also have recorded a number of other shows. See below.
You can practice with some of my other shows once you sign up for your free 30 day trial. I’m in 3 shows; “Practice with Patricia”, “Yoga Rx” and “Pranayama and Meditation”.
From Practice with Patricia:
“Shoulderstand with Chair” a 30 minute practice. If you’re not strong or open enough to safely hold Shoulderstand for more than a minute or two, you shouldn’t! In this Yoga Anytime video I offer a supported version that my students with various forms of neck mischief have learned to get themselves into and easily hold for 5 or even up to 10 minutes. It provides spinal traction as well as a deep and spacious chest opening, thoroughly calming your thought-mind and perhaps even opening you to a loving and profound experience of universal heart/mind.
Prior to the chair pose you’ll do some rolling in and out of Setu Bandanasana – bridge pose – with hands overhead pressing on the wall, beginning the process of tractioning the spine. Then you’ll transition to resting your sacral bone on a foam block with a great psoas stretch, further preparing you to ease into the full opening you see in the photo. Included are plenty of details and suggestions about how to use the chair safely and how to get into and out of the pose.
I’d love to hear from you through Yoga Anytime or via email or my web site about how it goes for you and am happy to answer any questions. Enjoy!
“Maha Mudra” The Great Seal, which seals a specific energy deep within the subtle body. 50 minutes. “Maha” in sanskrit refers to greatness. “Mudra” has exoteric as well as esoteric meanings. We can create specific shapes with our hands and/or whole body to invoke, invite and even seal energy in the subtle body. “Mudra” also refers to an old fashioned method of sealing a letter or message using hot wax and a hand stamper with a specific image imprinted on it which lets the receiver of the letter or document know it comes from a trusted source. So we could think of this as a way of sealing a message within the envelope of our body deep into the subtle body. That message could be a mantra, “Ahem Prema” ~ I am Divine Love; “So Ham” ~ I am That, meaning the infinite.
“Pelvis, Hips and Core” a 35 minute session. Although the title of this lesson on Yoga Anytime addresses the anatomy, it’s actually about finding access to our own deep Primal Trust. In this practice we’re learning to awaken the Jatara Agni, or Digestive Fire which refers not only to digesting food but having the capacity to assimilate and integrate any experience into our being. Thus we begin to develop and tap into a deep level of Primal Trust. This refers not only to difficulties, but also opening to receiving acceptance and love, from without and from within.
“Hamstring Stretch at Wall” a 10 minute floor session which uses belts to obtain a very effective traction release for the hips and low back along with the hamstring stretch.
“Pranayama for Meditation” a 15 minute seated session that introduces a grounding hissing sound as well as brahmari, a bee-like sound which calms the mind and soothes the nervous system while connecting our root to our crown. A great prelude to meditation.