Abigail Surasky
Acupuncturist in Berkeley specializing in women’s health, chronic and complex health disorders, pediatrics, men’s health issues, digestion, musculoskeletal issues, pain, and psychiatric imbalance.
Dr. Maud Nerman
Wonderful healer using osteopathy and homeopathy as her tools. She’s recently published “Healing Pain and Injury” in which she explains why the body’s interconnectedness is often the key to recovery and how you can understand the clues it provides.
The Egoscue Method®
Created by Pete Egoscue, the Egoscue Method® is a therapy method that relieves chronic pain, and encourages peak physical performance for the young, the old, the athlete, the non-athlete, the famous, and the infamous. This unique method is based on the body’s functional design – or posture. A trained Egoscue therapist works with you to develop a series of gentle corrective exercises that will not only alleviate your pain, but prevent future pain and injuries.
Richard Rosen Yoga
Full of original articles, essays and links to many yoga friends who I might otherwise include here, but you can get them from his site.
San Francisco Zen Center
One of the largest Buddhist sanghas outside Asia. Founded by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi in the late 60’s. San Francisco Zen Center hosts traditional Zen trainings and their offerings include online classes and retreats as well as in-person events at the 3 Centers that comprise their practice places: San Francisco Zen Center, Green Gulch Farm and Zen Temple, and tassajara Zen Mountain Center. You can find information about all of these centers at sfzc.org. Since 1987 I have taught during the summers, yearly at Tassajara, until the current hiatus brought about by the Covid pandemic. I’ve also taught many retreats at Green Gulch and will do so again starting in September.
Yoga Anytime